Oliver "Lee" "Lee" Day + Ella Jane Loofbourrow

Children  ‎(5 children)‎
Mary Jane Day ‎(I2877)‎
Birth 24 January 1898 29 21 Stockport, Cedar Twp., Van Buren, IA, USA
Death 24 January 1898 Stockport, Cedar Twp., Van Buren, IA, USA
Royal Harvey Day ‎(I1146)‎
Birth 20 February 1900 31 23 Stockport, Cedar Twp., Van Buren, IA, USA
Death 10 July 1940 ‏(Age 40)‏ Los Angeles County, CA, USA
Mary "Katharine" "Katie" "Katharine" Day ‎(I1148)‎
Birth 14 June 1906 38 29 Fairfield, Jefferson, IA, USA
Death 12 September 1962 ‏(Age 56)‏ San Diego, San Diego, CA, USA
Marjorie Helen Day ‎(I1150)‎
Birth 10 December 1914 46 38 Pasadena, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Death 3 August 1996 ‏(Age 81)‏ Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Margaret Eloise Day ‎(I1152)‎
Birth 10 December 1914 46 38 Pasadena, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Death 11 July 1998 ‏(Age 83)‏ Monrovia, Los Angeles, CA, USA

Parents Grandparents
Oliver "Lee" "Lee" Day ‎(I144)‎
Birth 26 March 1868 29 25 Utica, Van Buren, IA, USA
Death 18 February 1937 ‏(Age 68)‏ Pasadena, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Aaron Harvey Day ‎(I2527)‎
Birth 14 May 1838 35 29 OH, USA
Death 12 February 1908 ‏(Age 69)‏ IA, USA
Anna Fox ‎(I2528)‎
Birth 9 March 1843 IA, USA
Death 25 February 1902 ‏(Age 58)‏ IA, USA

Ella Jane Loofbourrow ‎(I141)‎
Birth 25 November 1876 39 30 Rural Stockport, Cedar Twp., Van Buren, IA, USA
Death 5 April 1963 ‏(Age 86)‏ Altadena, Los Angeles, CA, USA
James Shanks Loofbourrow ‎(I38)‎
Birth 22 June 1837 38 36 Franklin Twp., Fayette, PA, USA
Death 31 May 1907 ‏(Age 69)‏ Fairfield, Jefferson, IA, USA
Mary Catherine Syfert ‎(I39)‎
Birth 29 December 1845 24 24 Lancaster, Fairfield, OH, USA
Death 10 August 1940 ‏(Age 94)‏ Hollister, San Benito, CA, USA

Family Group Information   (F144)
Marriage 10 October 1895 Cedar Twp., Van Buren, IA, USA

Show Details Source: Family Bible Record of Oliver "Lee" and Ella J. ‏(Loofbourrow)‏ Day, 1895-1963, The Holy Bible. Privately held by owner ‏(2009)‏ Robert L. Day, grandson of original owners, Arroyo Grande, San Luis Obispo, CA. Photocopies and photos of family record pages held by author, .
Publication: N.p., n.d.
Quality of Data: 4

Show Details Shared Note: - Places of Residence from US Census': 1900, 1910, 1920 and 1930.
- 20 June 1900: lived in Cedar Twp, Van Buren, IA
Lee and Ella married 4 yrs. with 1 child, Royal, 3 mos. old.
- To CA for a while ...
- Dec. 1905 to Fairfield, Jefferson, IA
- 29 Apr 1910: lived in rented house, E Adams St., Fairfield, IA
- 1911 to Pasadena, Los Angeles, CA
- 12 Jan 1920: lived in rented house, 1099 Summit Ave, Pasadena, CA
- 3 Apr 1930: lived in rented house, 1810 Robles Ave, Pasadena, CA
- 25 Apr 1940: Ella Day lived with her daughter Mary K. and her husband Wayne E. Scott at 825 Plymouth Rd., San Gabriel ‏(Pasadena)‏, CA.

Lee died at their home in Pasadena; Ella died at a nursing home after several years of failing health.

Last Change 24 November 2019 - 17:41