LoofbourrowFamilyThis GEDCOM was created using Legacy (R) 9.0 on 5 June 2020Individuals | | Males | 2994 51.9% | Females | 2775 48.1% | Total surnames | | Families | | Sources | | Other records | 4 | Total events | 8300 | Total users | 7
| Earliest birth year | | James Barker I (I1023) Birth 1575 Harwich, Essex, England Death 1634 (Age 59) At Sea | Latest birth year | | This information is private and cannot be shown. | Earliest death year | | (Given name unknown) Wife Of James I (I1024) Death 1620 Essex, England | Latest death year |
| Sharon Diane Lyon (I261) Birth 8 September 1949 23 21 Pomona, Los Angeles, CA, USA Death 2023 (Age 73) Age: 73 Yucaipa, San Bernardino, CA, USA | Person who lived the longest | 109 | William Greene Peters (I4789) Birth February 1857 42 34 AL, USA Death 15 November 1966 (Age 109) Manteca, San Joaquin, CA, USA | Average age at death | 67 | Males: 67 Females: 67 | Family with the most children | 14 | Joseph Barker + Anne-Anna Manchester (F974) Marriage 31 March 1825 Kilgore, Carroll, OH, USA | Average number of children per family | 1.57 | |
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Record | GIVN | Date |  | Event |
Agnew, Elizabeth "Lizzie" "Lizzie" Father: Agnew, William Mother: Hawthorne, Jane | Elizabeth "Lizzie" "Lizzie" | 10 February 1871 | 154 | Birth |
Barker, "Susan" Susannah A. "Susan" Father: Barker, John Mother: Cellars, Elizabeth | "Susan" Susannah A. "Susan" | 10 February 1841 | 184 | Birth |
Crosswhite, John Melvin Sr. | John Melvin Sr. | 10 February 1797 | 228 | Birth |
Cutright, Edward "Eck" Oral "Eck" Father: Cutright, Renzo O. Mother: Pilgrim Pargrim, Annabell "Annie" "Annie" | Edward "Eck" Oral "Eck" | 10 February 1951 | 74 | Death |
Hockaday, Roscoe Orville Father: Hockaday, Perry Jackson Mother: Fattig, Minnie Ellen | Roscoe Orville | 10 February 1930 | 95 | Death |
Jones, Richard Ralph Father: Peters, Ralph Olin Mother: Loofbourrow, "Blanche" Ella Blanche "Blanche" | Richard Ralph | 10 February 1934 | 91 | Birth |
Kinnaman, Hyram Father: Kinnaman, Andrew Mother: Agler, Mary "Polly" "Polly" Williams, Nancy Ann | Hyram | 10 February 1859 | 166 | Marriage |
Loofbourrow, Paul Father: Loofbourrow, David Thomas Mother: Englesfreid, Elizabeth "Lizzie" "Lizzie" | Paul | 10 February 1943 | 82 | Death |
Peters, Cecil Ira "Pete" "Pete" Father: Peters, Claude Franklin Mother: Wilson, Mabel Edith | Cecil Ira "Pete" "Pete" | 10 February 1928 | 97 | Birth |
Podvorec, Hilda Mae Father: Podvorec, (Given name unknown) Mother: Klaeser, (Given name unknown) | Hilda Mae | 10 February 1997 | 28 | Death |
Reynolds, Dr. Clarence R. | Dr. Clarence R. | 10 February 1963 | 62 | Death |
Ringer, Hazel B. | Hazel B. | 10 February 1894 | 131 | Birth |
Ringer, Hazel B. Father: Ringer, Charles Louis Ludwig Mother: Mosher, Matilda "Tillie" H. "Tillie" | Hazel B. | 10 February 1894 | 131 | Birth |
Sudden, Donald Charles Father: Sudden, Robert Cowperthwaite Mother: Drucker, Laura "Elenora" "Elenora" | Donald Charles | 10 February 1895 | 130 | Birth |
Winslow, Mabel Ethel Father: Winslow, William Corwin Mother: Barker, Elizabeth "Lizzy" Jane "Lizzy" | Mabel Ethel | 10 February 1996 | 29 | Death |
| Total events: 15 | | |