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This is the Loofbourrow Family Digital Photo Archive

This photo gallery is for and from the extended Loofbourrow family, descendants of James Shanks Loofbourrow (1837-1907) and Mary Catherine Syfert (1845-1940). It is made possible by the efforts of many of the family members having shared their family photo albums and memories associated with photos and family members.

To share your family's old photo albums is a simple process: Contact Ron Snow by use our website Contact page. Ron will arrange for your photo albums to be digitalized in high resolution and your original photo album is unmodified. You will additionally receive your own copy of the resulting high resolution digital photos that you can show on your computer, phone, and other electronic devices.

The goal is to protect and preserve our family history for future generations. The photos can be shared here on this website and others may provide comments and memories on any photo.

Please also consider sharing old documents for our Digital Document Archive of important family papers and memorabilia: Marriage licenses, military service records, deeds/wills, awards/medals, letters, diary entries, and similar items of interest to the family and future generations.

Visit the main Loofbourrow website home page.