The school systems of the past, especially in farming communities often had a single school house for grades 1 through 8 and some even into the high school grades. Robert D. Hornbaker wrote this book to recount his experience growing up and attending the one-room school house in Van Buren county, Iowa, near the towns of Bonaparte and Keousauqua. It has many exhibits ranging from photos, report cards, school programs, and news articles. Available through
A few years ago we collected holiday stories from several of our cousins and relatives and gathered them into a 35 page collection. These include stories from the turn of the century (1900) and some as recent as a few years ago. There are stories from our relatives in Iowa, Oklahoma, many from southern California area and up at Hollister. You older ones will enjoy the memories and you younger ones will get a glimpse of family Christmas' past. I hope you enjoy!
Down load the Holiday Memories collection. If you have an iPad you can download it and save it as an iBook. Most of you will probably just print it.
Thanks to fantastic family involvement in helping capture our family history, and the diligent and hard work of decades by Margie, we all now have a rich family history document that includes: interesting charts, Family Trees, Ancestor and Descendants charts, and lots of details on our ancestors..
Interested? Check out the new 2nd edition of our Family Genealogy by Margie (Hockaday) Kinnaman or try our online Family Genealogy. This online data has a security check that prohibits seeing 'living' people but it does show our history and ancestors. Contact Ron for more details.
First, the new 2nd edition of our Family Genealogy by Margie (Hockaday) Kinnaman. Margie is our family historian and this 520 page hardcover has our family history dating back to the 1600s to present. It is sold at cost and available here at Lulu, they print and ship in about 10-14 days.
Thanks to Bob and Rich Day, Royal Day's sons, Ron Snow has transcribed and annotated Royal's 1918 diary, a diary he wrote when turning 18, graduating from High School, and starting College and adulthood. This hardcover is sold at cost and available here at Lulu.